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Sickness and Scientism
One of the foremost objections sustained by modern theologians concerning contemporary society is scientism . Though what is Scientism...
Music and Mythology
Since the work of Carl Jung to Joseph Campbell, it has been well decided that people are strongly attracted to, or reliant on sets of...
Falling Out with Philosophy
Few have asked but those that have, have received quite a lengthy and unexpected answer. As I look back, questions of this sort hearken...
The Links between Physics and a Classical Education
Keywords: Greco-Roman, Polymath Encountering subjects such as Latin, literature, and logic may seem to fit right into a classical...
"A wise man once said nothing."
With charm and with wit, this line directs a piece of advice to its reader. It is quite easy to imagine such a circumstance in which a...
Why Political Correctness insults the Constitution and the Humanity of others
Many have been critical of the post-modern movement in the academy and the culture of political correctness and social justice that has...
Just Not Good Enough: The Desire for a New Ethos
The desire for the adoption of a new ethos is a primary element in today’s cultural life. We want better, we want to do better, we are...
The Nature of Philosophy and its Rules
It is often thought that philosophy is the exercise of thinking new thoughts and imagining new ideas. While this is true, there is a bit...
On Morality and Rhetoric
Since the academic proliferation of postmodernism, headed by the ethics and worldview of Michel Foucault, we have seen a rise in advocacy...
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